Wednesday, July 15, 2009

J.G. Ballard Cover Images



Unknown said...

WHOAH! These from your collection? If so, hats off! Drooling over the "New Worlds". Incredibly jealous.

Jacques de Beaufort said...

no, I'm just a digital "collector"

Anonymous said...

Why do loner-dweebs like sci-fi so much?
This is not to say that I am niether loner nor dweeb, or that you are either, its just an interesting question.

Jacques de Beaufort said...

Loner -dweebs are also heroin addicts, serial killers, mathematics professors, sociologists, investment bankers, computer programmers, janitors, cemetery groundskeepers, special-ed administrators, peak-oil theorists, novelists, artists, particle physicists, philosophers, musicians, spiritual gurus, Michael Jackson, Renaissance Artists, cave painters, arctic explorers, men who walk on the moon, and assholes who comment snarky anonymous posts on stupid blogs.