Tuesday, November 11, 2008

behind the scenes....

PhotobucketGerald Davis
Gerald invited me over for a peak at his 2009 NY exhibit which I have promised to keep under wraps until showtime (see pixellated detail). This is some of the most powerful and devastating art that is being made right now anywhere by anyone. I hope to have a small essay to go with the photos..but you'll just have to wait.


thesecretlivesofcats said...

'Ass Worship' is one of my favorite drawings. I saw a show of his with my friend and he said I don't really like this because it's "feel-bad art." But I think his work shows an honest attempt to reveal memories and conjure up vivid feelings...as opposed to just trying to shock you. Shock is part of it for sure. Curious about the new work.

Jacques de Beaufort said...

new work is amazing

more about horrific beauty

shocking, sure, but like a car crash

thesecretlivesofcats said...

That sounds scary.

"See the breaking glass/in the underpass."