Tuesday, September 25, 2007


New York City said...

Which community is this?

Jacques de Beaufort said...

all of 'em

New York City said...

hmmm... I wonder, there doesn't seem to be any room for "I don't know". Everyone is either an optimist or a pessimist? Gets back to your point on dichotomous thinking.

I'm generally optimistic, but on the economy, I think I would respond "I don't know". There are too many factors: China, India, the EU, UK, our own stupid actions....

Jacques de Beaufort said...

which is why all graphs like this are silly..
I'm more interested in the way it doesn't really have an end point or a beginning. More like a loop.

we never really get to the future, yet our estimation of it's quality is always seeming to vary...

New York City said...

Contrary to experience, most people seem to view the future as a point of stability, as if everything will stop changing once we accomplish this, or bomb them, or stop doing that.

"When I get that great job, I'll be set. Not a care in the world."

"When we find a cure for cancer, it's all uphill from there."

Perhaps this stems from a desire to return to childhood, when (at least in my recollection) everything seemed to be stable and mostly unchanging. But maybe it just looks that way in hind sight.
I seem to recall the past as moments in a state of being - not for what they were: a volatile and infinite tree of potential outcomes shaking in the wind of time.

Sorry to wax Freudian and poetic in the same paragraph. I'll keep that to a minimum in future posts.

Helquin said...

"Heaven is a place
Where nothing ever happens"
~ Talking Heads